How to Load Stories onto Your Nook

 Howdy fellow explorers!

I have a Tip of Absolute Significance to share with you!

It's about the Nook, and how to put files on it.  I know, I know, when you choose a story from Barnes & Noble, they load it directly to your Nook and you can read it.  That's fine.

But suppose you get a story file from somewhere else?  Like where? you may very well ask.  Well, there are several places, actually.

First of all, there are Word files that you compose yourself on your computer.  Nook is designed to work best with epub files, but other Word documents can technically be read on the Nook.

There are places online that offer free ebooks.  Places like Project Gutenberg, or the Internet Archives.  These, and probably other places, often offer several different ebook files to choose from; like pdfs, epubs, and .mobi files.

Then, of course, there are places where you can purchase ebooks.  Like those fine folks who run DriveThru Fiction.  Many, but not all, of these are also available in multiple formats.

Ok, so you got yourself a third-party epub file, pdf, or other .doc file and downloaded it to your computer; and now you want to put it on your Nook.  How do you do it?

Full disclosure:  I do NOT have a Nook, but I found a video on YouTube that explains it!

Now you can Transfer A Story!  In fact, you should be able to get ebooks from everywhere and anywhere and load them onto your Nook devices for you perusal and pleasure! 

But if you are still having trouble, I suggest you go to and seek out help from the real pros!

Good Adventuring!

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