Monday, December 23, 2019

Adventurers of Mutant World

Greetings from the End of the World!

You may recall that in our last exciting episode, I've promised to tell you more about my upcoming series, Mutant World, and even reveal the covers for the first three installments!  Well read on!

First off, credit where credit is due (and blame where blame):  What really ignited the prospect of Mutant World?  Well, it was really some artwork by Luigi Castellani, known in some circles as Artikid Arts.  He has a presence on DriveThru RPG and also on DeviantArt, where he usually does commision work for independent RPG publishers.

I saw some of the characters he's drawn over the years and I found them to be Terrific And Stylish!  More than that, they were a spark of inspiration!  So, I have arranged to use them on the covers for my stories!

I found the three figures that--in my mind--became Axel, Smogara and Biter, and almost immediately hammered out "Mistress of the Mutant Maulers".  But that wasn't enough to satisfy the idea.  It continued to grow, to evolve, to...mutate into something bigger and grander.

First off let me introduce you to my trio of heroes:

Axel is a normal (unmutated) human.  He comes from a wandering barbarian tribe called the Free Way Men, who have a nomadic lifestyle following the ruined interstates and are all named after car parts.  They are proud barbarians, and free men.  Their way is the Free Way!

As a post-apocalyptic barbarian, it may be difficult to distinguish Axel from similar characters like Thundarr or Kammandi.  But I like to think of Axel almost as an anti-Thundarr.  Axel is far more shallow and selfish and much less noble than Thundarr.  He's likely to do "the right thing" by accident by following his own self-interests.  He's also concerned with his fame, and claims he's on a quest to perform great deeds to prove to his tribe that he would make a good leader.

Smogara--pronounced smaw-GAR-uh--is a mutated human female with four arms.  Apparently she started out in life as a mutant slave, and escaped when she was young.  Her escape path took her through a radioactive swamp which made her ill.  She was rescued and given to a priestess to heal and raise her.  Eventually, she also set out on a life of adventure.

As a mutant, Smogara has some natural resistance to radiation.  She is far from immune to its adverse effects, but has a greater resistance than a normal human would.

Biter is a mutated badger.  He has a humanoid body, stands about three feet tall, wears a black leather jacket and carries a shotgun.  He has a mysterious background, but seems more competent with "ancient" machines and electronics than his companions.  

His personality seems to be a cross between Rocket Raccoon and Hannibal Smith (from the A-Team).  He is an outspoken jerk, and though he has some loyalty to his friends, I can't help but feel that he might betray them if he thought it was in his best interests.  After all, self-preservation and survival would almost certainly be your primary goals if you were stuck in a post-apocalyptic world.  

Obviously, they make a dysfunctional trio of heroes.  Now I'm sure you're wondering, if these terrible persons are supposed to be the heroes...what could the villains be like?!

Well, there are villains, of course.  And other problems, too.  But we'll wait and talk about that next time!  Until then I wish you..

Good Adventuring!
Timothy A. Sayell

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

My Latest Project...

Hello Explorers!  

So I think the time has come to talk about my latest project...

I am currently writing a series of stories that take place in a weird and wacky post-apocalyptic world.  Hey, what do you know, that totally ties in with my recent posts about the various post-apocalyptic movies and games that I've been writing about!  What an amazing and incredible coincidence!

I'm going to call the series Mutant World, and the series logo looks like this:

The series will follow the adventures of a post-apocalyptic human barbarian named Axel, a mutant girl with four arms named Smogara, and a humanoid badger called Biter.  

What was the great Calamity that ruined the world?  What caused all the weird mutations?  How did mankind survive?  What brought our band of adventurers together?  What are they questing for?  

I don't want to spoil too much right now, but I will be revealing more info about the story, the world, and the characters in upcoming posts.

What I can tell you right that I'm planning to have a total of 9 stories in this series.  It will be available exclusively through Amazon, because I want to see how Kindle Unlimited works (from the writer's perspective).  I am expecting to have the first three installments ready and available to the public in February of 2020!

But that's not all!  Tune in next time and get a sneak peak at the cover art for the FIRST 3 stories!  So Tremble in Anxious Suspense and I'll see you next time!  Until then I wish you...

Good Adventuring!
Timothy A. Sayell

Hello and Welcome!

Hey-ho and what-do-ya-know! I see you've found your way here to my Home Base, my Head-Quarters, my Secret Lair, my Sanctum Santorum!  ...