Thursday, July 9, 2020

Who's Who In New Pulp?

Howdy you Truly Adventurous Souls!

I got a question for you:  Do you like pulp?

Hopefully, you can already just answer "yes" or "no" (but preferably "yes").  But I suppose there are some who may well ask:  "What IS pulp?" They may even add in something about the stuff in the orange juice.

But here, when I say "Pulp", I am actually referring to a type of high-action stories, like the ones that were featured in cheap entertainment magazines back in the 30's, 40's, and 50's.  (Actually, pulps can be traced directly back to the Penny Dreadfuls of the late 1800's, but the decades I've mentioned seem to be their heyday.)

These stories featured daring explorers remote parts of the world, soldiers and legionnaires in exotic locales, and cops and detectives snooping in the sinister shadows of sprawling cities.  Good ol' fashioned space opera, and rugged sword-n-sorcery all started out in the pulps.

Pulp magazines more-or-less died out for a while, replaced by cheap paperbacks in the 60's and 70's  But then "Pulp" somehow evolved into a genre unto itself.  The lurid, tawdry covers, the two-fisted adventure, the rugged characters...these all mean "Pulp".  Of course, the premise of "Pulp" also carried some baggage with it.  It was generally assumed to be poorly written, with little or no characterization or character growth, among other things.  To be fair, some of these points are true, while some are less so.  That's a discussion for another time.

The point here is that Pulp has made a resurgence.  Old heroes like The Shadow, The Spider, Doc Savage, Dusty Ayres, and others have returned, written by new writers in the styles and traditions of the classic pulp magazines.  The renewed interest in these classic characters has spawned the creation of new pulp-style heroes, having their own outlandish adventures.  This movement is called the "New Pulp".

New Pulp has been going on for several years now, spearheaded by companies like Airship 27 and Moonstone Books, who have revived the classic characters along with creating some new ones.  Along with a slew of independent creators, there are several writers, artists, and publishers committed to supplying good ol' fashioned adventure for your entertainment.
And that brings us to the new book from Airship 27 Productions!  Compiled by new pulp veteran, Ron Fortier, it's a directory of all those writers, artists, and publishers and it's called...

So if you want more pulpy goodness, check out the creators listed in this book, with snippets about their previous work, current projects and complete with web addresses to their websites!  I ordered mine all ready and I can't wait for it to arrive!

Until then, I wish you all...

Good Adventuring!
Timothy A. Sayell

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