Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Mutant Marauders

What ho and well met!

Welcome back Thaumaturgists, Adepts, and Swordmasters!

At long last you have returned, and so have I!  We're talking some more Mutant World here at the blog.  This time, we're gonna talk about the Marauders!

Who are the Marauders?  Well, they are a large mob of mutants, who rampage and terrorize various settlements throughout the wastelands.

vlc-00015So, first, I suppose I should talk a little about mutants in general.  Mutants in my afterworld are caused by the fallout of nuclear and chemical warfare.  As if that isn't bad enough, somewhere in the past there was a war with the Martians.  The Martians conducted weird genetic experiments on various Earth animals, which then got mutated by the fallout.

vlc-00013And so, by the time these stories take place, there are thousands of little sub-species.  Many of these are localized phenomena, because of what specific radiation is present in an area.

vlc-00010Some of the animals have human-like bodies.  They could look like minotaurs, or those animal-headed Egyptian Gods.  Some may have hair or fur or scales instead of skin.

Related imageOther animals look normal, at least at first glance.  Most likely they are a weird combination of two (or more) animals.  In the very least, they may have an extra limb, or wings, or crab claws, or something.

But the Marauders are NOT these kinds of mutants.

Image result for the toxic avengerThese guys are mutated humans.  Yes, some of them may have extra limbs, but these guys are covered with nasty, tumorous and cancerous growths.  They've lived in radioactive territory for so long that their skin has turned green.  

The Marauders are ugly and depraved in mind, body, and soul.  They hate unmutated humans and strive to exterminate them all from the face of the Earth.  

vlc-00049They believe that mutants are meant to be the new masters of the world.  They subjugate communities of mutant animals into submission, or kill them, too.

vlc-00058They are led by a self-styled warlord named Maligno.  He has two goals:  to destroy the scattered tribes of unmutated mankind, and to find more efficient weapons to accomplish it.  

To cross paths with the Marauders is certain death.  No one in their right mind would dare to challenge this small army of depraved mutants.  At least, not without an army.

But then, nobody ever said that Axel, Smogara, and Biter were in their right minds, now did they?  Why would they embark on such a suicidal adventure?  What prize could they hope to gain?  Will any of them come out alive?

YOU can find the answers to all these questions in:

Mutant World #3

The Might of Maligno

Available Now!

on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!

Until then, I wish you all...

Good Adventuring!
Timothy A. Sayell

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